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Josh Holmes Analysis

The Impact of the CNN Presidential Debate on Biden's Campaign

Josh Holmes Analysis


The CNN Presidential Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump marked a pivotal moment in the 2020 presidential election. Biden, who had been facing declining poll numbers, had the opportunity to regain momentum and demonstrate his ability to handle the challenges of the presidency. This article explores Josh Holmes' analysis of the debate and its potential impact on Biden's campaign.

Biden's Performance

Holmes, a former advisor to Mitt Romney, praised Biden's performance in the debate. He noted that Biden came across as "presidential" and "in control," effectively rebutting Trump's attacks and laying out his own policy agenda. Holmes highlighted Biden's experience and calm demeanor as key factors in his success.

Trump's Disruptions

Holmes criticized Trump's conduct during the debate, calling it "unpresidential and disrespectful." He argued that Trump's constant interruptions and personal attacks undermined the seriousness of the event and damaged his own credibility. Holmes emphasized that Trump's behavior alienated moderate voters and may have reduced his chances of re-election.

Impact on the Campaign

Holmes believes that the debate will have a "significant impact" on the campaign. He predicts that Biden's strong performance will boost his poll numbers and give him a renewed sense of momentum. Conversely, he argues that Trump's disruptive behavior will further damage his reputation and make it harder for him to win over undecided voters.


Josh Holmes' analysis suggests that the CNN Presidential Debate was a turning point in the 2020 election. Biden's composed performance and Trump's disruptive behavior have the potential to significantly shape the upcoming polls and sway voter sentiment. As the campaign continues, the debate will remain a key reference point for both candidates and voters alike.
